Leuenberg Texts
Showing 1–9 of 16 results
Leuenberg Texts 1: The Church of Jesus Christ
€11.00 -
Leuenberg Texts 10: Law and Gospel
€10.00 -
Leuenberg Texts 11: Consultations between CEC and CPCE
€10.00 -
Leuenberg Texts 12: Baptism in the Life of the Churches
€11.00 -
Leuenberg Texts 13: Ministry, ordination, episkopé and theological education
€9.00 -
Leuenberg Texts 14: Result of a Doctrinal Discussion in the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe
€8.00 -
Leuenberg Texts 15: Social-ethical Contributions
€19.50 -
Leuenberg Texts 16: Kirchengemeinschaft – Church Communion
€9.00 -
Leuenberg Texts 2: Sacraments, Ministry, Ordination