Here you will find news from CPCE, updates to the site and other newsworthy items mainly from our member churches. Media representatives and anyone from the member churches interested in any of these topics are warmly invited to contact the “faces” directly for further information. You are welcome to contact the CPCE Head Office with any inquiries or comments as well! You can find contact information on the “Contact” page of this site.
Gender und Sexualität – der protestantische Korridor? / Gender and sexuality – the Protestant corridor?
Kaum ein sozialethischer Themenbereich hat innerhalb der ökumenischen Welt so viel spaltende Sprengkraft wie die Fragen zu Gender und Sexualität. Auch deswegen hat die Vollversammlung der GEKE 2018 in Basel einen Studienprozess zu diesem Thema angeregt. Wenigstens...
Anniversary website
On the website you will find information on the 50th anniversary of the Leuenberg Agreement, such as the text of the Agreement in 19 languages and information on anniversary events. Materials for the media or church services will also be posted...
Lord`s Supper in a changing world
The consultation meeting of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) on “Practice and Theology of the Lord's Supper” in Hildesheim (22-24.2.2023) dealt with the guiding question of how the Protestant churches in the 21st century can be welcoming churches...
Communion despite diversity – a conference about the 50 years of the Leuenberg Agreement
“Being church together“ was the title of the CPCE’s last conference, held in Debrecen on May 9-11th 2023. It offered many reflections on the 50 years of the Leuenberg Agreement. The significance, future, and presence of the Protestant churches in a European context...
„50 Jahre Leuenberg. Eine europäische Konkordie in konfessionskundlicher Perspektive“ – eine Tagung in Bensheim
Vom 17. bis 18. Februar 2023 fand im Konfessionskundlichen Institut in Bensheim, Deutschland, die 67. Europäische Tagung für Konfessionskunde statt. Thematisch war sie bestimmt durch das 50-jährige Jubiläum der „Konkordie reformatorischer Kirchen in Europa“...
Anniversary website
On the website you will find information on the 50th anniversary of the Leuenberg Agreement, such as the text of the Agreement in 19 languages and information on anniversary events. Materials for the media or church services will also be posted...
Musician, general organizer, bishop, and craftsman
On Sunday 22 January 2023, the previous episcopal visitator Rolf Bareis was installed as bishop in Tbilisi. On this occasion, representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Georgia and the Southern Caucasus (ELCG), which has just about 500 members, came...
Commemoration day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
On 24 February 2022, we all had to be painfully reminded that modern human development is far from guaranteeing that respect, tolerance, and peace are self-evident and eternal. Once again, Europe is moved by frontline reports and the deep sorrow of suffering and...
Jubiläumstreffen der Kirchenleitenden
Das Jahr 2023 steht für die evangelischen Kirchen in Europa unter dem Zeichen von 50 Jahre Leuenberger Konkordie. Sie ist das Basisdokument, welches den einzelnen Kirchen erlaubt aus der Singularität herauszutreten und sich als übergreifende Gemeinschaft zu verstehen...
GEKE beantragt partizipatorischen Status beim Europara
Der Rat der GEKE beschloss am 8. Dezember 2022 nach einer Reihe von Vorverhandlungen, den partizipatorischen Status als INGO beim Europarat in Straßburg zu beantragen. Dadurch bekommen wir die Herztöne Europas aus nächster Nähe mit! Dies ermöglicht der GEKE und ihren...