Here you will find news from CPCE, updates to the site and other newsworthy items mainly from our member churches. Media representatives and anyone from the member churches interested in any of these topics are warmly invited to contact the “faces” directly for further information. You are welcome to contact the CPCE Head Office with any inquiries or comments as well! You can find contact information on the “Contact” page of this site.
Konsultation GEKE – Einheitsrat: Bericht als Buch
Mit einem Geleitwort von Kurt Kardinal Koch, Präsident des Päpstlichen Rates zur Förderung der Einheit der Christen und Gottfried Locher, Geschäftsführender Präsident der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa.
epd-Dokumentation zur Vollversammlung in Basel erschienen
Die Broschüre kann beim GEP-Vertrieb bestellt werden.
Studientag “Theologie der Diaspora”
Ein Studientag zum GEKE-Dokument „Theologie der Diaspora“ fand am 10. November 2018 in Tübingen, Deutschland statt.
Remembrance for a Future: 1918-2018
On this site CPCE publishes the statement of the 8th General Assembly in Basle (13-18 Sep 2018) on the end of World War I and a prayer of intercession (find other languages on the german version of this site).
“Wir brauchen mehr Europa, als wir haben”
Langjähriger GEKE-Generalsekretär Bünker zum Reformationstag 2018
Demanding a political solution in Syria
Rosangela Jarjour, the General Secretary of the Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches, appeals to Protestant Churches in Europe for aid.
New Presidium for the CPCE
Freshly elected by the General Assembly of the CPCE in Basle, the incoming Council elected a new Presidium and welcomed the new General Secretary during its inaugural meeting on 17 September 2018. The tripartite Presidium consists of Miriam Rose, John Bradbury and Gottfried Locher, with Locher appointed to the position of Executive President.