Call for Applications: CPCE Young Theologians

Call for Applications: CPCE Young Theologians

The Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) is opening a new programme for young theologians. A group of up to 25 young people from the Protestant churches in Europe shall come together to learn about the journey of our church communion from the Leuenberg...
Gebet zum dritten Jahrestag des Angriffskrieges auf die Ukraine / Prayer on the Occasion of the Third Anniversary of the War in Ukraine (UK, EN, DE, CZ, HU, EST, DK, SK, RO, NL, FR, IT)

Gebet zum dritten Jahrestag des Angriffskrieges auf die Ukraine / Prayer on the Occasion of the Third Anniversary of the War in Ukraine (UK, EN, DE, CZ, HU, EST, DK, SK, RO, NL, FR, IT)

24 February 2025 will mark the third anniversary of the attack on Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Hundreds of thousands of people have died in this war and a just peace is still out of reach. We have asked our member church, the German Evangelical Lutheran Church...