The Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) is opening a new programme for young theologians. A group of up to 25 young people from the Protestant churches in Europe shall come together to learn about the journey of our church communion from the Leuenberg Agreement (1973) until now, including the main theological topics as well as life and work of the various member churches. In a later stage, these young people are expected to work as a reference group bring in their perspectives as young theologians into the study work of the CPCE and take part in various working processes. The programme runs until the next CPCE General Assembly in 2030 and participants are expected to take part in the entire programme.

Application is open to young theologians (theology students, pastors in training) from CPCE member churches and participating churches until an age of 30 at the time of the beginning of the programme. Church endorsement is necessary and interested individuals should contact their member/participating church directly for more information. Further information on the program can be found on our website.

Informational flyer with application requirements and further details: YT Flyer OFFICIAL 19.2

Detailled programme information for churches and applicants: YT Outline for churches and applicants 20.2